Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Callia Parker
English 21003, Section M
Professor Matyakubova
5 September 2017
Journal Entry #1

Ben Goldacre: Battling Bad Science

As I observed Ben Goldacre: “Battling Bad Science,” he expressed that fact that there are some many falsifying articles that are being presented to society by “Authority.” In other words, scientist and big name articles are presenting and publishing information to society making it seem as though the information that they are feeding to us is rather true and it is not in fact all true. In fact, when we, the readers, are viewing these articles believe that it is true because it I coming from someone who holds a sense of authority. An article called Daily Mirror stated, “An Australian study in 2001 found that olive oil (in combination with fruit, vegetables and pulses) offered measurable protection against skin wrinkling. Eat more olive oil by using it in salad dressing or dip bread in it rather than using butter,” which is an example of a statement published in the Daily Mirror that is not proven to be a fact, but that fact that it is coming from a popular source, are we to believe it? Mr. Goldacre mentioned that people aren’t regular people if fruits, vegetables and olive oil are not incorporated into one's diet. It is common sense. We all go to the doctors or should go to the doctors regularly where in fact fruits and vegetables are always mentioned to keep us healthy.

-->               In agreeance, science is about trial and error. Information or science that is being presented 
to society has to be tested and factually proven before it comes to light with some formulated 

conclusion, especially when it come to medicine. It is about breaking down the fundamentals of it all

and making sense of it. In the future, will we be actually be able to trust the sciences in media or let 

alone our primary care provider?

Callia Parker English 21003, Section M Professor Matyakubova 5 September 2017 Journal Entry #1 Ben Goldacre: Battling Bad...